
Joint Success - “A BJC is Committed to Actively Collaborate with Relevant Stakeholders Throughout the Supply chain to Achieve Mutual Growth and Joint Success Towards Sustainability". 


Berli Jucker Public Company and Subsidiaries (“BJC Group”) has long been devoted to integrate sustainability into all business operations, endorsed through the incorporation of the three key dimensions of sustainability, namely Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) into all decision-making, strategies, and targets, administering BJC with a coherent and inclusive guideline to effectively address all ESG related risks and opportunities. 


This commitment derived from BJC's recognition of the continuously evolving customers/consumers behavior and demands, often seeking greater convenience to serve their modernized lifestyle and needs. Such customers/consumers are also accustomed to greater alertness and awareness towards the importance of product safety and quality, often seeking and demanding better products safety & quality, demonstrated through taste, presentation, certification, durability, freshness, nutrition, and varieties, in addition with appropriate product labelling, as required by applicable laws, regulations and standards. To accommodate to the continuously evolving customers/consumers' needs promptly and accurately, BJC continuously seeks to develop and utilize new and innovative technologies both internally and in collaboration with its vast networks and relationships and various business partners and suppliers across multiple supply chains, enabling BJC to meet customers' demands, driven through advancement of technology and innovation, transforming the market environment, shifting customers/consumers' needs and demands, and the way in which business and customers/consumers interacts, in addition to solidifying a secure and reliable source of quality, safe and nutritional products and services. 


For this reason, the topics of Product Safety & Quality, Supply Chain Management, Technology & Innovation and Data & Cybersecurity Privacy Protection remains to be an important topic for BJC to actively managed. This is further enforced through BJC's recognition of the actual and potential, negative, and positive impacts on the economy, environment, and people, including impacts on human rights such as right to quality of life and health, right to adequate food, right to just and favorable condition at work, right to data privacy, right to express opinions, right to access information and right to access products and services. Should BJC fail to adequately manage these topics, BJC risk facing various negative consequences such as, surge in health and safety risks for customers/consumers, lower customers/consumers trusts and interests in BJC's products and services, increase legal costs from non-compliance with regulations, limited access and availability of materials/products, increase products costs, decrease product quality, increase job displacement risks, increased cyber related risks, breach of customer privacy, improved efficiency and productivity, identification of new business opportunity, promoting competition and innovation in the industry, increase customer dissatisfaction, loss of revenue, reputation and corporate image. 


On the other hand, BJC will benefit from, increased innovation, reduced environmental impacts, wastes, and energy consumption, improving health and safety of customers/consumers', optimizing supply chain, reduce operating costs, delivery time, higher product quality and safety, sourced from environmentally responsible sources, increase automation and artificial intelligence, safeguard against cybersecurity risks, increasing customer/consumers confidence and trusts, leading to competitive advantage, should it manage these topics well. furthermore, BJC acknowledge its direct and indirect involvement with negative impacts through its activities and business relationship with various business partners, such as its manufacturing, retail, and packaging business.   




Corporate Governance
Risk Management & Compliance
Sustainable Supply Chain Management
Innovation Management
Data & Cybersecurity Privacy Protection
Product Quality & Safety
Health and Nutrition
Customer Engagement
Tax Management
External Contributions