Health & Safety


BJC place great importance to the health and safety of employees, customers and those involved in the Group’s value chain. The company emphasize on employee health care, and foster safety throughout the Group, whether it is offices, factories, warehouses and branches to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in those areas, protecting employees, customers and all visitors. BJC has implemented the following measures to assure employee safety.


1. Implement measures to take care of employees by


  • Monthly employee discount 10% and 5% On top when purchasing products at Big C, Mini Big C, Pure Pharmacy, and other discounts at Wawee and Asia Book.

  • WFH measures to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19.

  • Provide vaccinations according to government measures.

  • Provide alternative vaccines to employees.

  • Provide employees with masks to wear during work hours.

  • “If the employees are at risk of coming into contact with infected persons”

    • Employees: Free COVID-19 testing.

    • Family: If there is a risk, arrange for a test at a cost of approximately 1,200 baht/person. 

  • “If an employee is infected with COVID-19”

    • Quarantine kit, basic medicine kit, while waiting for a hospital bed to receive treatment.

    • Set food meals and essential products for quarantine while waiting for treatment direct to staff.

    • Special medical expense coverage of 100,000 baht and extending coverage to family.







2. Building Management Measures


  • Body temperature screening for employees, tenants, outsource, sub contracts, maids, security guards and all visitors before entering the building at the entrance-exit point of the building. Which is limited to 2 points, allowing proper control inspections.

  • Provision of hand-washing alcohol service throughout various points of the office such as the entrance-exit of the building, shared common areas and in all passenger elevators, in addition to ensuring availability of hand soap in bathrooms.

  • Regularly clean public touch points with disinfectants.

  • Ozone fumigation to kill germs, both in the office and common areas of every floor of the building.

  • Clear building air conditioner to kill germs accumulated in air conditioning systems.

  • Establish social distancing measures such as working areas, meeting rooms etc.

  • Identify disinfection service providers, and prepare  procedures for obtaining services and preparing the area in the event that disinfection is required in accordance with the company’s plans to support the outbreak of COVID-19.

  • Establish other relevant measures to use as guidelines and adherence, such as regulatory measures for visitors, measures and regulations of outsource employees, subcontractors, maids, and security guards, measures for training and knowledge sharing and meetings of related parties, and measures to take when employees are found to be infected with COVID-19.



3. Modern Retail Business Management Measures


  • Distribute masks to employees, PCs, and all who works in the premises to wear at all times.

  • Provide liquid soap in all bathrooms for both customers and employees, assigning maids to ensure availability at all times.

  • Routinely disinfect the red shopping baskets and shopping cart, in addition to communicating such measures to customers, and assign checkout staff to regularly disinfect checkout counters to foster confidence.

  • Assign maids and employees to disinfect desks, and chairs in canteens/escalator handrails/elevators walls and buttons, and communal areas regularly.

  • Screen temperatures of all store and warehouse visitors, whether its employees, customers, partners, or subcontract employees.

  • Establish Risk and Crisis Management Steering Committee, consisting of representatives from relevant departments to manage crisis situations accordingly, providing a guideline to evaluate and manage in an event a COVID-19 positive individual on the premises, in addition to being accountable to closely monitor and update all matters related to COVID-19, through weekly meetings to adapt and manage current situations accordingly.

  • Strictly comply with government measures and adhere to BJC Big C’s 40 COVID-19 prevention measures.

  • Emphasize services through online and other alternative channels such as Call Chat Shop, Line for Shop, Drive-through, and Home Delivery.

  • Maintain appropriate product stock for online and telesales channels, including stocking popular items to meet market needs.

  • Maintain appropriate number of employees at each branch, should a branch face a shortage of employees due to an employee’s needs to be quarantine a substitute from other branch can swiftly takeover crucial work as needed.







4. Factory Management Measures


  • Strictly adhere to control measures in accordance with government regulations and group companies, including regularly providing knowledge and information to employees.

  • Conduct temperature screening daily, prior to starting work. Employees who exhibit flu symptoms are immediately directed to medical professionals, and must stop work or follow doctor’s advice strictly, regularly reporting symptoms to relevant management.   

  • Conduct strict temperature screening of all visitors, such as suppliers, delivering raw materials, which must comply with the regulations and requirements of the factory.

  • Limits external visitors to attend onsite meetings at the factory, through the use of online channels.

  • Prepare an emergency and business continuity plan to be used in the event that the outbreak intensifies in the area near the factory or a lockdown occurred.

  • Regularly report COVID situation and/or management guidelines which have been modified for the prevention of COVID-19 in the Line Official Group or Chat Board, to keep employees informed.

  • Closely monitor COVID situation and updates of customers and government sectors to identify problems and take appropriate corrective actions in a timely manner.