2 End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
goal 3
goal 4
goal 5
goal 6
goal 7
goal 8
goal 9
goal 10
goal 11
goal 12
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goal 14
goal 15
Goal 16
16.3: Promote the rules of law and the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all.
16.5: Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms
16.7 Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels
16.b: Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development
Goal 17
The topic of health and nutrition remains to be a significant topic for BJC to actively foster and manage, which is evident from BJC’s vision to be Your Trusted Partner for a Sustainable Better Living. This commitment derived from BJC’s recognition to the importance of sufficient nutrition as an essential building block to keep current and future human population healthy across their respective lifespan, free from nutrient-related health issues, such as type 2 diabetes, heart diseases, and obesity, enabling the human population to live a longer and happier life. This is further enforced as BJC acknowledge the actual and potential, negative and positive impacts on the economy, environment, and people, including impacts on their human rights to adequate food and nutrition.
As a company with operations related to food and food related products through its modern retail and consumer supply chains, BJC is directly and indirectly involved with the topic and can positively contribute towards the issue by sourcing and provision of health and nutritious products, knowledge sharing and training to customers and management of health and nutritious products to retain their benefits. Should BJC successfully manage these topics, it will benefit from increase customer, customer loyalty, positive corporate image and increase revenue, while failure to do so, will result in negative backlash and lost of customer interest in the company.
BJC Group places great importance on health and safety of consumers by providing customers with high nutrition value and health benefits of the products. Our products have been developed with efficient production processes with that meets international standards along with communication and responsible activities. BJC Group focuses on quality of products, research and development of new product reformulation by defining the scope of developing nutritious products as well as taking into account other factors that may affect product quality and consumer safety. In addition, product sizes, accurate product labels, communication channels and related activities and communication channels, and health-related activities are processes that BJC place these conditions in high priority - BJC Health and Nutrition Statement
Health and Nutrition Management Approach
Through BJC’s operation within the food and staple retailing industry, health and nutrition remain to be a prominent indicator used by consumers to assess product safety and quality, especially in food and food related products. For this reason, health and nutrition remain to be one of BJC’s top priorities, continuously striving to uphold, identify, implement, and improve product health and nutrition’s.
This is governed through the Health and Nutrition Advisory Panel, established by the Management Board, which comprises of both internal experts from relevant departments including, Quality Assurance, Research & Development, Marketing, Sales, Product Development, Specialty and Sustainability and Risk Management, and external experts from the Government Pharmaceutical Organization (GPO). Since its establishment, the advisory panel remains active in the assessment, identification, research and update of applicable policies, frameworks, laws, and initiatives to foster and promotes product health and nutrition beyond the minimum requirements. This have since been developed into the corporate-wide Health and Nutrition Policy, comprising of the following guidelines.
1. Product
2. Data access and communication
3. Activities and promotions
Health and Nutrition Advisory Panel
Health and Nutrition Advisory Panel has been appointed, consisting of experts and experienced personnel in health and nutrition, including the chairman and other members, all of whom are appointed by the Company's Management Board. The chairman of the panel is a representative from The Government Pharmaceutical Organization (GPO), and other members are from health and nutrition related company or business unit such as Berli Jucker Food Co., Ltd. The panel is responsible for initiating policies and business framework to support safe, healthy and nutritious products offered to the consumers. This also includes updating information on law and regulations, new market knowledge and innovation related to health and nutrition. The panel commits to meet at least once a year and ensures that all business units have efficient production process in accordance with international standards on product nutrition. In 2023, the panel had a total of 1 meeting.
Health and Nutrition Strategy
As a major food and non-food producer and retailer in the country, BJC places great importance on health and safety of consumers by providing customers with high nutrition value and health benefits of the products. The products have been developed with efficient production processes that meets international standards along with communication and responsible activities. In order to offer nutritious products that most suitable for different health conditions of consumers groups, as well as promoting greater understanding and ensuring accessibility to quality and nutritious food, BJC focuses on quality of products, research and development of new product reformulation, serving size, product labeling, and communication channels for customers, and health-related activities.
Health and Nutrition Research and Development
As a major food and non-food producer and retailer in the country, BJC places great importance on health and safety of consumers by providing customers with high nutrition value and health benefits of the products assists them to independently select products most suitable to their lifestyles. Our products have been developed with efficient production processes with that meets international standards along with communication and responsible activities. In order to offer nutritious products that most suitable for different health conditions of consumers groups, as well as promoting greater understanding and ensuring accessibility to quality and nutritious food by providing accurate nutrition fact on product for customer. BJC focuses on quality of products, research and development of new product reformulation by defining the scope of developing nutritious products as well as taking into account other factors that may affect product quality and consumer safety. In addition, product sizes, accurate product labels, communication channels and related activities and communication channels, and health-related activities are processing that BJC place these conditions in high priority.
To ensure nutritious foods and healthy products have been selected for customers, each BJC food subsidiary has their own Research and Development department. For example, Big C has been continuously developing a new product line consisting of healthy options. These include healthy menus with high protein content, fibers and vitamins essential to leading a healthy life style. In 2023, Big C has developed additional healthy menus of silver age ready-to-eat food, which contain easy-to-digest ingredients, lower sugar and lower sodium. Moreover, each department also has a systematic process to develop the new product lines for private labels and own-brand products.
According to clause 1.2 from the Health and Nutrition Policy, BJC supports the research and development of new product reformulation that has greater health benefits and meet customers’ needs. BJC has a road map to develop products that support consumer’s health and nutrition. BJC focuses on the area of financial, and customer satisfaction and customer demand as a whole. For instance, BJF develops its products by focusing on ‘less’ trend e.g. lower sodium, ‘no’ trend e.g. no trans-fat, and ‘more’ trend e.g. high fiber. Aging citizen and health-conscious customers are also the target groups for new product development, in addition to the general public. Big C also continuously produces house brand products with a focus on increased vitamins and nutrients in the cooked meal, adding more nutritious ingredients, such as vegetables, fish, and rice berry.
Products are developed in accordance with customer trends and behaviors. With the new generation’s lifestyle, the BJC selects safe raw materials with high nutrition value to be used in the healthy product line. Healthy Menu and Healthier Choice products released under Big C’s private label line which has adopted criteria and standards announced by the Notification of the Department of Public Health No. 182 B.E. 2541. As BJC strictly strives to comply with all related regulations requirements, the government’s healthy nutrition criteria have been thoroughly gone through in order to adopt and ensure that healthy products align. Moreover, supporting the Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Public Health of Thailand’s campaign, Big C encourages customers to purchase the New Year's gift baskets displaying a healthier choice symbol that contain nutritional alternatives for recipients' health.
Big C also committed to enhancing the health and well-being of our customers through a comprehensive Health and Nutrition Improvement Program. This initiative focuses on expanding our range of nutritious products, including organic, low-fat, low-sugar, and gluten-free options, alongside a steady supply of fresh fruits and vegetables. To further support our customers' health goals, we offer personalized nutrition plans, educational workshops, and online resources featuring expert advice, healthy recipes, and tips on maintaining a balanced diet.
Moreover, Big C is dedicated to improving its product offerings and actively engaging with customers and the community. Our upgraded loyalty program incentivizes the purchase of health and nutrition items, while our well-trained staff provides expert guidance to assist customers in making informed choices. Additionally, we collaborate with local health organizations, schools, and community centers to advocate for and encourage the adoption of nutritious dietary practices and wellness routines through targeted initiatives and themed gatherings. By integrating these efforts, Big C aims to make healthy living more accessible and convenient, thereby promoting the overall well-being of our community.