2 End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
goal 3
goal 4
goal 5
goal 6
goal 7
goal 8
goal 9
goal 10
goal 11
goal 12
goal 13
goal 14
goal 15
Goal 16
16.3: Promote the rules of law and the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all.
16.5: Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms
16.7 Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels
16.b: Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development
Goal 17
Employee management is a critical aspect of any business, with the potential to impact the economy, environment, and people in various ways. Poor employee management practices, such as worker exploitation, low wages, poor working conditions, forced labor, child labor, and discrimination, can lead to significant negative impacts on workers and their families. These practices can also harm a company's reputation and result in legal and financial consequences. On the other hand, responsible employee management can have positive impacts on the economy, environment, and people. When businesses prioritize employee well-being and development, they can enhance their reputation among customers, investors, and other stakeholders. Additionally, investing in employee training and development can improve customer service and satisfaction, leading to increased loyalty and repeat business. When employees feel supported and valued, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated, leading to better performance and outcomes.
BJC realizes that it is essential to recognize that the impact of employee management practices extends beyond the business itself. Poor practices can lead to violations of human rights, such as the right to work in safe and healthy conditions, the right to a living wage, and the right to be free from discrimination. By prioritizing responsible employee management, the company can ensure that it is not contributing to human rights abuses and is making a positive impact on the communities in which it operates.
Employee Management, Management Approach
BJC believes that strengthening competitive advantage begins with people, and that employee engagement reflects work efficiency and performance. Through the corporate value and corresponding corporation-wide policies, BJC has always prioritized human capital and committed to creating a happy workplace experience. The company always strives to take steps beyond employee expectations in order to retain them as well as attracting new talents.
BJC continued to promote and commit to “Happy Workplace” concept each year it has been one of the corporate values. The commitment had been shown though related corporate-wide policies, including Human Rights Policy, Diversity and Inclusion Management, and Non-Discrimination Policy, Living Wage Policy, Work from Home and Work from Anywhere arrangements. The policies ensured that all employees received fair treatment, equal rights and work flexibility without discrimination against gender, age, physical disability, race, ethnicity, skin color, religion, nationality, country of origin, cultural background or marital status.
To foster such culture amongst all employees throughout the organization, BJC provides all employees with an Employee Manual, which provides all employees with a clear and comprehensive guideline to, 1) Employment Responsibilities at BJC, 2) Working days, hours, and leaves options, 3) Leave dates and Options, 4) Salary and Remunerations, 5) Discipline and Punishment 6) Grievance, and 7) Termination of employment. These guidelines have been developed in accordance with the Business Code of Conducts and Corporate Culture (WINNING), as such criterias of the Employee manuals are interrelated to the code of conduct. A clear example is under guideline 5, where outlines procedures incase employees violates the agreement within the employee manuals, which may result in disciplinary consequences which impacts employee remunerations. Additionally, the manual also outline that employee performance appraisal systems also integrates compliance against the code of conduct, further fostering good employee behaviour throughout the organization.
Throughout each year, there were approaches and projects that supported talent attraction and retention as well as enhancing employee engagement as follows:
Employer Branding
Since 2021, BJC has been focusing more on creating a strong employer branding as an employer of choice, with employer value proposition as Bring Up Better Life for All, where the company give importance to all stages of employment. The company sees its employer branding as a continual process of being distinctively great in 2 aspects;
Employee Branding Strategy
Employer Branding Key Focus
Thailand's Top Employer
BJC has effectively communicated its employer branding both internally and to the public, maintaining a constant presence. As a result of their efforts, BJC had secured the 12th spot in the Top 50 Employers in Thailand 2024 list, which was compiled by Work Venture, a prominent employer branding consulting company known for its work with major organizations in Thailand. It is the third consecutive year that BJC has been ranked in the Top 50 Employers.
Work Venture conducted a survey of the relevant target group of new generation candidates, which included recent graduates and young professionals in the workforce between the ages of 21 and 35. Over 10,000 people were polled in total.
Workplace Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
BJC is dedicated to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace, where every employee is valued and respected, regardless of race, religion, gender, age, disability, or any other characteristic. The company actively promotes a culture of equality by ensuring that all employees have equal opportunities for growth, development, and career advancement. BJC is committed to providing a supportive environment that encourages all individuals to reach their full potential. In 2023, BJC organized numerous seminars and workshops focused on "Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion," aligning with global social trends to further enhance awareness and understanding among employees. Through these initiatives, BJC consistently demonstrates its commitment to embracing diversity and supporting a workplace where everyone can thrive.
As stated in details under Human Rights chapter, every year BJC promotes workplace diversity, equity and inclusion beyond what the company had done before. DiverCity project had been initiated since 2022 as a company’s commitment to endorse diversity, equity and inclusion in the long run through various engaging activities.
In 2023, the ratio of BJC's male and female employees were 40% and 60% respectively. As for base salary, BJC has been conducting fair remuneration, considering previous employment, knowledge and competency, among all employees at all levels without discrimination against their gender, age, physical disability, race, ethnicity, skin color, religion, nationality, country of origin, cultural background or marital status.
Type of Individual Performance Appraisal
Additionally, for appropriate employees’ performance evaluation, BJC conducted an ongoing individual performance appraisal. The 2023 employee’s performance evaluation was as follows;
Type of Performance Appraisal |
% of Employees |
1. Management by objectives: systematic use of agreed measurable targets by line superior |
100 |
2. Multidimensional performance appraisal such as 360-degree feedback |
100 |
3. Team-based performance appraisal |
100 |
4. Agile conversations |
100 |
1. Management by Objectives: Systematic Use of Agreed Measurable Targets by Line Superior
BJC uses Performance Evaluation (Interim Review) for employee’s individual performance appraisals. The evaluation consists of 4 parts, first completed by the employees themselves, followed by their respectives superiors/supervisors.
2. Multidimensional Performance Appraisal
3. Team-based Performance Appraisal
In team-based performance appraisal, the company evaluates the overall performance of a team rather than just focusing on individual contributions. This approach recognizes that successful outcomes often result from collaborative efforts and effective teamwork. Here is how the company implements team-based performance appraisal:
Define Team KPIs: The company identifies key performance indicators (KPIs) that measure the team's success and align with its strategic objectives.
Set Team Goals: Clear and measurable goals are established for the team to work towards. These goals should be aligned with the company's overall objectives and reflect the team's responsibilities and scope of work.
Feedback Mechanism: The team holds regular meetings to discuss progress, challenges, and opportunities. These meetings provide an opportunity to share updates, exchange ideas, and address any issues that may be hindering the team's performance.
Performance Evaluation: The team's performance is evaluated based on the predefined Team KPIs and goals.
Team Rewards and Incentives: The company introduced rewards and incentives that are tied to the team's overall performance. This could include bonuses, recognition programs, or other forms of acknowledgment to motivate and reinforce collective achievements.
4. Agile Conversations
The ‘Feedback Mechanism’ is an essential part of the Agile framework and promotes continuous improvement and learning within a team. Here is how it works within Agile Conversations:
Regular feedback loops: the feedback loops are built into the processes, such as daily meetings, performance reviews, and one-on-one conversations.
Constructive feedback: emphasizing on providing constructive feedback rather than criticism.
Timely feedback: It encourages providing feedback in a timely manner. When feedback is given promptly, it allows individuals to address issues, improve performance, or build upon successes.
Two-way communication: encouraging active listening and dialogue. It is not just about managers or team leads providing feedback to team members, but also team members providing feedback to each other, promoting a culture of continuous learning and mutual growth.
By incorporating a feedback mechanism within Agile Conversations, teams can foster a culture of continuous improvement, collaboration, and open communication. It enables team members to learn from each other, adapt to changing circumstances, and deliver higher-quality work.
Workforce Breakdown: Gender
BJC aims to embrace diversity by balancing the diversity of gender in every management level. The actions are done through employer branding, recruitment, human resource development and retention.
Diversity Indicators | Percentage Year 2023 |
Public Target |
Share of women in total workforce (as % of total workforce) |
60.00 |
55 Target Year : 2025 |
Share of women in all management positions (as % of total management positions) |
56.37 |
50 Target Year : 2025 |
Share of women in junior management positions, (as % of total junior management positions) |
53.30 |
50 Target Year : 2025 |
Share of women in top management positions, i.e. maximum two levels away from the CEO or comparable positions (as % of total top management positions) |
60.00 |
50 Target Year : 2025 |
Share of women in management positions in revenue-generating functions (e.g. sales) as % of all such managers |
56.27 |
50 Target Year : 2025 |
Share of women in STEM-related positions (as % of total STEM positions) |
54.01 |
50 Target Year : 2025 |
The coverage of the data reported as a % of FTEs |
100 |
Workforce Breakdown: Nationality
Nationality |
% of |
% of |
Thai |
99.98 |
99.63 |
SEA (Vietnamese, Malaysian, Cambodia, Lao) |
0.01 |
0.07 |
Other (American, Chinese, etc.) |
0.01 |
0.30 |
Disability Group
At BJC, promoting equal opportunities for all individuals is a top priority. Our focus is on job capabilities and organizational fit, rather than any individual characteristics. The company actively supports and employs individuals with physical or mental disabilities, as demonstrated by its 2023 hiring figures. In 2023, BJC welcomed 268 individuals with disabilities into the company, comprising 1.4% of the full-time employees. The company is committed to providing these individuals with the necessary support for knowledge and career advancement.
The Employee Stock Option Program
The company also compensates its executives and employees and/or its subsidiaries by issuance and offering of warrants to purchase the ordinary shares of the Company (“Warrant”) under the BJC ESOP 2018 Scheme as an incentive and compensation for the executives and employees of the company and/or its subsidiaries to motivate them to work for maximized benefits for the company and shareholders’ and to retain those executives who exhibited outstanding performance to continue working for the Company in the long run to achieve the Company’s business goals. This long-term incentives for employees below the senior management level are on average paid out after 3 years. For 2023, the percentage of the workforce below senior management level that this program applies to is 0.94.
Targets for sustainability performance are included in the BJC ESOP 2018 Scheme. The performance covers employee engagement, employee loyalty and employee inclusion.
Living Wage
BJC is committed to providing compensation that not only meets employees’ basic needs but also offers some discretionary income. The company also hold itself accountable for upholding fair labor practices throughout the entire supply chain. This encompasses employees' rights to a living wage and the implementation of publicly disclosed living wage strategies. The company is dedicated to full compliance with all relevant laws, conventions, and regulations.
Living Wage Commitment
Living Wage Assessment Coverage
In 2023, more than 75% of BJC's own operations, suppliers, contractors and over 50% of franchisees have been assessed on living wage. BJC, however, informs all contractors and suppliers on the living wage guidelines.
Gender Pay Indicators
BJC aims to embrace diversity by balancing the diversity of gender in every management level.
Gender pay gap calculation: The gender pay gap is calculated from the difference in average gross hourly earnings between women and men employees.
Indicator |
Difference between Women : Men Employees |
Difference between men and women employees (%) |
Mean gender pay gap |
1 : 1.12 |
11.87 |
Median gender pay gap |
1 : 1.01 |
1.44 |
Mean bonus gap |
1 : 1.24 |
23.89 |
Median bonus gap |
1 : 1.06 |
5.97 |
The coverage of the data reported as a % of FTEs : 100% |
Minimum Notice Period
For any significant operational change, BJC normally communicates with the affected employees prior to the actual change. The period depends on urgency and necessity, ranging from 1 week to 6 months.
Talent Attraction
BJC uses Strategic Workforce Management and People Analytics as a means of identifying its employees. The tool encompasses various work processes and systems aimed at evaluating, nurturing, transitioning, and retaining a top-notch workforce. By utilizing information and analytics, the company enhances employee career growth, succession planning, and retention, ensuring stability and growth for the business. Talent Attraction, on the other hand, helps BJC plan for its workforce across all functions and the entire organization. It evaluates the need for new hires and identifies areas where savings can be made to boost workforce productivity.
Since 2022, BJC has persisted in using online recruitment platforms to expand its pool of potential candidates and increase the likelihood of hiring talented employees. The company had adopted a digital approach in the recruitment process to attract competent individuals for various job functions. There was also a monthly employee referral program in place where current employees can refer suitable candidates. Additionally, BJC had utilized its social media platform on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/bjccareers) and Linkedin (https://www.linkedin.com/company/bjc/mycompany) to convey the employer branding and attract new talents.
Turnover Rate
Retail businesses face a constant challenge of high turnover rates, but BJC aims to turn this trend around. In 2023, there was no major layoffs and the company prioritized attracting and retaining top talent through strategic hiring practices, offering market-competitive pay and benefits packages, recognizing and rewarding employees, providing clear career growth opportunities, and implementing flexible work arrangements. By taking these steps, BJC was poised to reduce its turnover rate and foster a positive, engaging work environment.
Indicator |
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
Total employee turnover rate |
62 |
48 |
45 |
28 |
Voluntary employee turnover rate |
46 |
42 |
33 |
26 |
Data coverage 100% of all FTE Globally
New Employee Hire
To expand the reach of potential recruits, and adapt to the ever increasing popularity and utilization of the internet of things, BJC has implemented and upgraded online recruitment platforms, increasing the opportunities of hiring talented employees, while reducing face-to-face interactions during the pandemic. BJC has continued to initiate digital platform for the recruitment process to attract skilled individuals.
Indicator |
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
Total number of new employee hires |
19,299 | 22,019 | 18,184 | 19,065 |
Average hiring cost/FTE (Thai baht) |
3,378 | 1,498 | 1,468 | 1,429 |
Percentage of Open Positions Filled by Internal Candidates (Internal Hires): 51.8
Employee Engagement
In addition to promoting a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion through various programs, BJC continued to improve work flexibility by allocating resources to allow employees to work from anywhere one day per week and work from home every Friday. This comprised an HR mobile application, an IT system and infrastructure that allowed employees to stay linked with their working team. Employees were also encouraged to participate in both on-site and online activities as well as social networking (https://www.facebook.com/bjcbigcesociety).
From the annual employee engagement survey, BJC analyzes the results of the survey to identify areas where employees are dissatisfied or where there is room for improvement, then prioritize actions to address the most critical issues first. The company then creates an action plan to address the identified areas of improvement. In addition, the survey results are communited to all department heads in order for them to improve their team’s enagement and performance.
Employee engagement survery scaling:
Engaged 4.5 - 6.0
Not clear 3.0 - 4.5
Disengaged 1.0 - 3.0
Trend of Employee Engagement
Employee Engagement | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | Target 2023 |
Employee Engagement (%) |
79 | 79 | 82 | 82 | 82 |
Data Coverage (%) | 98 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
The number of respondents is representative of the total FTE.
The scores have been recalculated to increase accuracy, referring to S&P Global CSA's key definition of top level engagement or score.
Employee Support Programs
Apart from regular assessment of hazardous and occupational health and safety in all operations, BJC has also implemented various initiatives to protect, foster and promote good health and well-being of the employees such as flexible working hours, working from home, childcare facilities and contributions, maternity and paternity leave initiatives. The aim is for all employees to have good physical and mental health, for all employees to perform at their best ability, and to increase employee engagement with the organization.
Program | Detail |
Flexible working hours |
BJC acknowledges the importance of work-life-balance, recognizing the positive impacts effect it has on employees, allowing employees to meet and manage their personal and professional responsibilities respectively, leading to a happier and more satisfied employee, whom are motivated to work. For this reason, BJC has implemented a flexible working hour scheme for all employees since 2009. To minimize the risk of employees contracting COVID-19 during their commute to work, BJC extended the scope of the flexible working hours, allowing employees to start work from 7.30 - 10.00, finishing when they have completed 8 hours of work. This allows employees to avoid congestions on public transports during the normal working hours of 8.00 – 8.30 am, reducing the exposure risk to the virus. |
Work from Home and |
After the positive success of the flexible working hour scheme, BJC have introduced the working from home arrangement since 2020. BJC allows all employees to a work from home arrangement on a case by case basis, pending they meet the conditions, qualifications and requirement of the work from home guideline established in 2019. In 2020, BJC initiated the work from home arrangement for all employees to increase workplace flexibility. Starting from 2021, employees can work from home every Friday. In addition, Work from Anywhere Policy has been established, allowing employees to work from anywhere one day per week, as an extra day from working from home. To remediate this, BJC has provided IT infrastructure and tools to enable employees to continue to work effectively and efficiency. |
Part-time working options |
Social, economic and technological changes affecting the world of work are driving the company to review how our hiring policies can best respond. We have seen growth in particular contract types that diverges from the “standard employment contract”, a full-time dependent employment contract of indefinite duration, while the use of temporary or special contracts may bring advantages, including flexibility for both employers and workers. The practices that are being used in our company are: - Part-time Work: Part-time employees work less than 40 hours per week and their working hours are usually regular each week. Part-time employees get the benefit package according to the labor law or as specified in the employment contract. - Senior Employment Program: individuals in their 60s are invited back to work from retirement and are employed into the roles that let them contribute their expertises. Senior employees get the benefit package according to the labor law or as specified in the employment contract. In addition, working time, benefits, along with health and safety will be addressed for several new forms of employment. It is crucial to ensure that this flexibility does not diminish workers’ protection. |
Childcare facilities or contributions |
BJC strongly believes that a strong family bond from an early age will lead to a strong child develop, resulting in a high quality member of society in the future. To assist employees as they transition into their new responsibilities of parenthood, BJC has provide specific well-being benefits for employees. To assist new mothers to balance their new responsibilities as mothers and work, BJC provide nursing room, as childcare facility for mothers to take care of their child during working hours. At present a total of 4 nursing rooms are available at BJC head office, Thai Glass Industries, Thai Malaya Glass 1 and Thai Malaya Glass 2. In addition, CPC offers contribution to employee children in the form of scholarships. The scholarship have been offered for the past 18 years for well-performing employees, with over 1 year employment with CPC. (The child must be a high achiever to be eligible for the scholarship. CPC has an annual scholarship target of 29 children.) For employees who joined BJC before 1 November 2008, BJC offers medical support for employee children, as a childcare contribution initiative. The total support ranges from 100,000 baht per year to actual medical bills, depending on the level of the employees. In addition to childcare contributions, BJC has also launched a program "Sanook Kids Big Day", where employees and customers can bring their children who are in kindergarten and primary school to participate. The program consists of one 1-day activity that give the children career guildline by letting them experience real-life occupations. |
Breast-feeding/lactation facilities or benefits
In assisting new mothers to balance their new responsibilities as mothers and work, BJC provide nursing room as breast-feeding facility mothers to carry out these tasks during working hours. Each rooms are built for comfort and privacy equipped with refrigerator. At present a total of 4 nursing rooms are available at BJC head office,Thai Glass Industries, Thai Malaya Glass 1 and Thai Malaya Glass 2. |
Paid parental leave for the primary caregiver & Paid parental leave for the non-primary caregiver |
Family institutions are of fundamental importance to a quality society. BJC, therefore, value parenthood and precious moments in families. BJC has allowed parents to spend more time with their newborn which exceeds the legal requirements. A parent who is To build a sustainable relationship within various forms of families in a diverse environment, this program is gender neutral to give both male and female parents the right to raise their children appropriately and equally. The program is also applied to adoption to support the fostering and adoption of disadvantaged children to enhance the quality of human resources for society. |
Paid family or care leave |
Employees may take business leave, upto 7 days, in order to take care of their spouse, child, parent, parent-in-law or other designated relation when the person requires additional care for health conditions. |
Workplace Stress Management |
By addressing these aspects, the program actively supports stress management, creating a happier and more productive workforce. |
Sport & Health Initiatives |
Employee Benefits for all Genders |
BJC has provided following leave days to all employees, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation.