Your Trusted Partner for a Sustainable Better Living


Berli Jucker Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries (hereafter BJC Group) has longed integrated sustainability considerations into all business decision-making, strategies and targets, integrating the three key dimensions of sustainability, namely, Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) throughout the value chain, committing to elevate the quality of life for all customers, whilst attaining maximum benefits for all stakeholders, achieved through the strict compliance with and integration of established corporate wide sustainability approach "B.J.C", enabling BJC Group to achieve the company's vision to be Your Trusted Partner for a Sustainable Better Living.




Through integration of the corporate wide sustainability approach, BJC Group can both drive corporate sustainability, and competently adapt all operations to all risks and opportunities, including all emerging and unpredictable risks and seize new opportunities, in the new market environment, parallel with reducing BJC Group's negative impacts, which contributes towards ESG dimensions, allowing BJC Group to foster and continued its positive contributions and meet the requirements of internationally recognized standards, such as criteria of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), UN Global Compact (UNGC), S&P Global, in addition to domestic standards Thailand Sustainability Investment Index (THSI) by the Thailand Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and beyond all expectations to promote sustainability throughout the entire nation, and achieve the corporatewide target to be Net Zero by 2050.  


1+5 (1 Build 5 Curb)
In an addition to the Net Zero target in 2050, we have established a 10-year target under “1+5” BJC 150th Sustainable Environmental Goal

1 Build      



Plant 150,000 more trees

Reduce the Emissions of
Scope 1&2

Reduce the use
of non-renewable energy

Reduce water

Reduce food waste generation

Reduce the use of packaging (weight)



UN Global Compact (UNGC) 

As a participant of the UN Global Compact since 2022, BJC is committed to integrating the Global Compact Principles as part of its strategy, culture, and day-to-day operations, and to engage in collaborative projects which advance the development goals of the United Nations, particularly the Sustainable Development Goals.


Awards and Recognitions


กลุ่มบีเจซี บิ๊กซี จัดโครงการจิตอาสา "เก็บขยะชายหาดทะเลและปล่อยสัตว์ทะเลคืนชีวิตสู่ธรรมชาติ"

02 June 2024

กลุ่มบีเจซี บิ๊กซี จัดโครงการจิตอาสา "เก็บขยะชายหาดทะเลและปล่อยสัตว์ทะเลคืนชีวิตสู่ธรรมชาติ"

Read the full story >


The Group Strategy and Sustainable Development/Risk & Portfolio Management Department is responsible for the consolidation of the report, ensuring the quality, accuracy and completeness of the sustainability report in accordance with relevant guidelines. Should you have any suggestions, inquiries or any concerns regarding information disclosed in the sustainability report, please contact the sustainability working team at:


Berli Jucker Public Company Limited
Sustainability and Risk Management Division

Address: Berli Jucker House, 99 Soi Rubia, Sukhumvit 42 Road, Phrakanong, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110, Thailand
Tel: 0-2146-5999